Metallgiesserei Wilhelm Funke GmbH & Co. KG
Röllinghäuser Str. 57
D-31061 Alfeld (Leine)
Phone +49 (0) 51 81 . 84 59-0

qr meldeportal Hinweisgeber-Schutzgesetz If you would like to submit a report in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act, please click here - or scan the QR code.

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I herewith object to the transfer to third parties and a use for other purposes.
I can withdraw this approval at any time by e-mail to or by mail to:
Metallgiesserei W. Funke GmbH & Co. KG | Röllinghäuser Str. 57 | D-31061 Alfeld (Leine).
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Only few, especially authorised persons who are in charge of the technical or commercial support of inquiries have access to the data. The data are only used for the purpose for which they have been entered and they are not sold to third persons.

Please read our privacy statement here.